AB Testing

AB Testing

Data-driven decision making is at the heart of any test-and-learn function.  A/B Testing and Multivariate Testing (MVT) offer the right levers for optimizing marketing campaigns and customer engagement.

SAESO guides client teams in managing A/B Testing — whether establishing capabilities, launching proof-of-concept, or maturing an already existing program.  Clients trust SAESO for full A/B Testing program management including platform evaluation, experiment design, test development, and outcome reporting.

Unify the Business With Strategic Testing Initiatives

Broad adoption of a A/B Testing within an organization starts with results.  SAESO helps client get insights quickly and drive business value early — while thoughtfully navigating increasingly complex and overlapping landscape of testing capabilities.

SAESO’s methodical approach to A/B Testing and MVT prioritizes sourcing and developing test ideas alongside cross-functional, client teams.  This strategic alignment harmonizes Marketing, Analytics, and Product teams, facilitating the expedited and impactful discovery of behavioral insights.

Test for Higher Engagement

SAESO develops A/B Testing programs that help clients minimize risk in developing web and mobile experiences. In a high velocity testing program, each fast-moving iteration of tests puts the client ahead of the curve in understanding customer behaviors.

Organizations equipped with robust A/B Testing programs excel in enhancing customer engagement.


Send us a message and let us know how we can help your business.